10 Things You Learn in Your Late 20s

When you’re inching close to age 30, life kind of comes at you. Your body doesn’t function like it used to, you can’t stay out as late as you did when you were 21, you don’t like being around people, and you are late for almost everything (or you just don’t care about being late.) It really shows your age or even your growth.

Here are 10 things I’ve learned and still learning as I’m inching towards the 30 line:


Never Settle For Less

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Yes, we should never settle for less at any point in our life BUT when you are in your late teens/early 20’s, you have to take what you can get when it comes to jobs, cars, etc. But when you’re getting close to 30, ESPECIALLY BEING A MILLENNIAL, we don’t waste our time doing shit we don’t want to do.

Always Running Late

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Mannnn I use to be the most precise on-time person, then I was always the first person….on time…helping to set up something (ESPECIALLY A BABY SHOWER) LOL. Then, I started moving on my time. My biggest mishap is taking a nap before I gotta be somewhere, knowing good and well that I still gotta do my hair and make up. BUT, now I figure “I’m not going to be the only one late.” Unless it’s work, I’m usually running 10-20 minutes late. “I’ll get there when I get there.” 


Irritated By Loudness

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Look…I’m lowkey an old lady. Unless I’m at a club, bar, etc. I can’t unnecessary loudness. For example, folks being extra loud in a grocery store or gas station. Whew chile, all that is uncalled for, especially when folks are on the phone and it’s on speaker phone.

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Health is Wealth

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Your body will switch up on you quick! I’ve always been lucky enough to have a cute figure but within the last year and a half my weight has been sticking!!! Meaning, I have to actually workout and get active! Also, I’ve had three instances that I’ve thrown up catfish. Mind you, I love fish, but for some reason when I dine out and eat it, I get sick 5 hours later and throw it up! So of course, I have to either A) only eat home-cooked fish (because I don’t throw up from eating it.) or B) eliminate it completely. What we eat is important and how much of it we intake. If you eat a bunch of  fried foods, you should balance it out and only eat fried foods 2-3 days out of the week and/or substitute it with baked foods. I understand that there is bad in every food, chicken, beef, turkey, pork (I’ve given it up unfortunately), but we gotta learn to balance it all out. Folks are becoming vegans every day and I commend them but I ain’t at that point yet lol.

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Also, you can also tell the difference in your skin and body when you drink water. I’ve always drank water, but only like a bottle  a day (crazy right) but as I’ve gotten older, I drink it more because….WATER MATTERS! For the people who don’t drink water…you’re gross.

Just think, if your body shuts down, you can’t function, meaning you can’t make money, unless you can do it in your bed just sending emails and making phone calls. Other than that, you can’t do business if you always sick and not taking care of yourself.

Get Multiple Streams of Income.

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As a millennial, I’ve noticed we don’t follow the standard generation x and baby boomers of the world when it comes to working. They had one job, then retired and got a pension. NOW, people have a 9a-5p, 5p-9p and even a 9p-12a. We don’t believe in depending on just one stream of income. The way jobs are going out of business and laying people off (trust me, I know), you can’t depend on just one. We are also on this entrepreneur wave. Working for someone is okay but why not educate yourself and open your own business. Always be opened to that.


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Things aren’t going to happen when you expect it to. Follow your own pace. To piggy back off the last one, we have to be patient in our current job position until the next best thing comes along. When it comes to bringing in a second and third income, I’m sure you would want those incomes to replace your 9-5 and you could work for yourself, buuuut we gotta have patience. If we don’t want to settle for the regular 9-5 life then we gotta be patient, and not compare our situation to anyone else because everyone has went through it some kind of long process to get to their current success.


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Texting is the devil. It should not be used for serious dialogue but instead short and sweet messages, “I’m on my way,” “Call me when you get the chance, I want to ask you..,” “Just checking on you,” those kind of messages. (This is what my cousin Vic says). And I’ve definitely gotten better with this is the past. Texting can be taken out of context. You never know the tone in which a person is saying something. I have a friend who is short with her messages because she either, doesn’t like to respond long, she’s busy or “that is just that.” But when we talk on the phone, it’s the complete opposite. When you get to your late 20’s you realize that phone communication is more intimate and personal versus texting. You typically text a person when you’re unavailable to talk on the phone. But there are times when you don’t feel like talking on the phone, so you prefer texting. Regardless of the situation, us late 20’s folks are getting better with talking on the phone versus texting all day (unless we are unavailable to talk.)

Start on Retirement Early

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As we get close to our 30’s, we gotta start on our retirement fund. The more we have saved, the earlier we can retire. There are different apps for that and even Roth funds and if you’re working for a company, there’s always 401k and other retirement plans. The last thing you need is to be 40 and only have $5000 saved, whew chile that would be tragic. So to sum it up….START SAVING.

It’s Okay to Be Alone

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It comes a time when you don’t feel like being bothered. I am guilty of looking at my phone ring if it is someone calling that I don’t feel like holding a long conversation with. Sometimes I go home and leave my TV off and read or just hop on social media. It’s okay to not want to deal with anyone (relationship wise too). It’s okay to want a detox from people. Who wants to be surrounded by people ALL THE TIME? NO ONE! It’s okay to have some along time.

Adulting Sucks!

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Don’t get me wrong…..it definitely has it’s perks. Coming and going as you please, making your own money, having your own car and crib; all that is good. The sucky part is paying these extra bill. Personal Property tax, Missouri Taxes, hospital bills, tickets, ALL DAT SUCKS! I’m sure it’s even worse when you have kids, like paying child care and unexpected hospital bills when the kiddos get sick. All in all adulting sucks and you realize that early on in your 20s but it still sucks when you get close to 30.

It is a blessing to make it to any age because tomorrow isn’t promised. When you make it through another decade, you realize a few things and these are thing and this list is what I’ve come to terms with.

What are some things you’ve realized in your 20s? Comment below and let me know.


Danii Gold out!!